Lebanon Skate-Park Project

Minutes From 10/08/2009

To start with, this was very informal. We did not coincide with "Robert's Rules of Order", but we did accomplish much.

Board present
Chairman-Cricket Staggs
Secretary-Greg Boudonck
Treasurer-Tracy Brown
Micah Henderson
Debbie Hemphill

The main priority we spoke on tonight is fund-raising.

IT's A Go!!!

Any board member accepting donations--we ask for checks or money orders please and in the memo section put Youth Development Committee or Lebanon Skate-Park Project.
Board member keep track of donations and turn in to either Cricket, myself(Greg) or Tracy.
We will also keep spreadsheets
All checks or money orders should be made out to Lebanon Area Foundation.

Andrea contacted 4 Seasons skate-park and received figures-they are available through Cricket.

Ladarrel is still working on Safety procedures and Greg is making a Mission statement which will be a tool in fund-raising.

  • Skate Park of Four Seasons study info was presented, the interesting facts were:

  • Their park is used everyday, even in the winter and even though it is a rather small municipality (this element was present duruing our physical inspection)

  • The equipment was manufactured by Miracle Ramps, they have not been hard to maintain (this was evidenced in our physical inspection, ramps were installed in 04 and show minimal wear)

  • The have signs stating the rules and informing of security cameras, but no waivers or membership fees

  • very little restrictions hours of operation are daylight hours

  • Insurance for their skate park is less than the insurance for their little league program
We discussed a permanent meeting location (Greg presention a possible option of using his Church, no objections noted, no other alternatives listed)
donations sheet will be emailed soon, all donations are to be turned in ASAP to one of the board members, each person that takes a donation needs to fill out their own donation form.  All forms and donations need to be brought to each meeting, accountability of funds is a must.
Micah presented some findings of the Safety procedures study, this study is still in process
Matt wasn't able to present anything for the skate park competition due to time constraints, but it is still in process
Discussion of fundraising ideas, still ironing out a plan for a table in front of local businesses (possibly incooperating a petition for county and non-county residents who would like a skate park as well), still in process on this but getting closer.  Many thoughts and suggestions were presented, it was a round table discussion.

That was the gist of the meeting --Next meet 10/29/2007

Check facebook page for updates.


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